/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */ /* * You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "interface/Iface.h" #include "interface/ASynchronizer.h" #include "memory/Allocator.h" #include "util/Identity.h" #include "util/events/Timeout.h" #include "util/log/Log.h" #define MAX_DRY_CYCLES 16 #define ArrayList_TYPE Message_t #define ArrayList_NAME Messages #include "util/ArrayList.h" struct ASynchronizer_pvt { struct ASynchronizer pub; struct Allocator* alloc; EventBase_t* base; struct Log* log; struct Allocator* cycleAlloc; struct ArrayList_Messages* msgsToA; struct ArrayList_Messages* msgsToB; struct Allocator* timeoutAlloc; struct Timeout* intr; int dryCycles; Identity }; static void timeoutTrigger(void* vASynchronizer) { struct ASynchronizer_pvt* as = Identity_check((struct ASynchronizer_pvt*) vASynchronizer); if (!as->cycleAlloc) { if (as->dryCycles++ < MAX_DRY_CYCLES || !as->timeoutAlloc) { return; } Allocator_free(as->timeoutAlloc); as->timeoutAlloc = NULL; as->intr = NULL; as->dryCycles = 0; return; } struct ArrayList_Messages* msgsToA = as->msgsToA; struct ArrayList_Messages* msgsToB = as->msgsToB; struct Allocator* cycleAlloc = as->cycleAlloc; as->msgsToA = NULL; as->msgsToB = NULL; as->cycleAlloc = NULL; if (msgsToA) { for (int i = 0; i < msgsToA->length; i++) { Message_t* msg = ArrayList_Messages_get(msgsToA, i); Iface_send(&as->pub.ifA, msg); } } if (msgsToB) { for (int i = 0; i < msgsToB->length; i++) { Message_t* msg = ArrayList_Messages_get(msgsToB, i); Iface_send(&as->pub.ifB, msg); } } Allocator_free(cycleAlloc); } static void checkTimeout(struct ASynchronizer_pvt* as) { // The timeout might still be present but inactive because Timeout_clearAll() was called // to setup a test, in that case lets re-arm it in order to get the message to the other side. if (as->intr && !Timeout_isActive(as->intr)) { Allocator_free(as->timeoutAlloc); as->timeoutAlloc = NULL; } if (as->timeoutAlloc) { return; } as->timeoutAlloc = Allocator_child(as->alloc); as->intr = Timeout_setInterval(timeoutTrigger, as, 1, as->base, as->timeoutAlloc); } static Iface_DEFUN fromA(Message_t* msg, struct Iface* ifA) { struct ASynchronizer_pvt* as = Identity_containerOf(ifA, struct ASynchronizer_pvt, pub.ifA); if (!as->cycleAlloc) { as->cycleAlloc = Allocator_child(as->alloc); } if (!as->msgsToB) { as->msgsToB = ArrayList_Messages_new(as->cycleAlloc); } Allocator_adopt(as->cycleAlloc, Message_getAlloc(msg)); ArrayList_Messages_add(as->msgsToB, msg); checkTimeout(as); return NULL; } static Iface_DEFUN fromB(Message_t* msg, struct Iface* ifB) { struct ASynchronizer_pvt* as = Identity_containerOf(ifB, struct ASynchronizer_pvt, pub.ifB); if (!as->cycleAlloc) { as->cycleAlloc = Allocator_child(as->alloc); } if (!as->msgsToA) { as->msgsToA = ArrayList_Messages_new(as->cycleAlloc); } Allocator_adopt(as->cycleAlloc, Message_getAlloc(msg)); ArrayList_Messages_add(as->msgsToA, msg); checkTimeout(as); return NULL; } struct ASynchronizer* ASynchronizer_new(struct Allocator* alloc, EventBase_t* base, struct Log* log) { struct ASynchronizer_pvt* ctx = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct ASynchronizer_pvt), 1); Identity_set(ctx); ctx->alloc = alloc; ctx->base = base; ctx->log = log; ctx->pub.ifA.send = fromA; ctx->pub.ifB.send = fromB; return &ctx->pub; }