/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */ /* * You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "dht/Address.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/SearchRunner.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/SearchStore.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/RumorMill.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/RouterModule.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/ReplySerializer.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/NodeStore.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/NodeList.h" #include "dht/CJDHTConstants.h" #include "util/Identity.h" #include "util/Bits.h" #include "util/log/Log.h" #include "util/events/EventBase.h" #include "util/events/Timeout.h" #include "util/version/Version.h" struct SearchRunner_pvt { struct SearchRunner pub; struct SearchStore* searchStore; struct NodeStore* nodeStore; struct Log* logger; EventBase_t* eventBase; struct RouterModule* router; struct RumorMill* rumorMill; uint8_t myAddress[16]; /** Number of concurrent searches in operation. */ int searches; /** Maximum number of concurrent searches allowed. */ int maxConcurrentSearches; /** Beginning of a linked list of searches. */ struct SearchRunner_Search* firstSearch; Identity }; /** * A context for the internals of a search. */ struct SearchRunner_Search; struct SearchRunner_Search { struct RouterModule_Promise pub; /** The router module carrying out the search. */ struct SearchRunner_pvt* const runner; /** The number of requests which have been sent out so far for this search. */ uint32_t totalRequests; /** Maximum number of requests to make before terminating the search. */ uint32_t maxRequests; uint32_t maxRequestsIfFound; uint32_t numFinds; /** The address which we are searching for. */ struct Address target; /** String form of the 16 byte ipv6 address. */ String* targetStr; /** * The SearchStore_Search structure for this search, * used to keep track of which nodes are participating. */ struct SearchStore_Search* search; /** The last node sent a search request. */ struct Address lastNodeAsked; /** * The timeout if this timeout is hit then the search will continue * but the node will still be allowed to respond and it will be counted as a pong. */ struct Timeout* continueSearchTimeout; /** Next search in the linked list. */ struct SearchRunner_Search* nextSearch; /** Self pointer for this search so that the search can be removed from the linked list. */ struct SearchRunner_Search** thisSearch; Identity }; /** * Spot a duplicate entry in a node list. * If a router sends a response containing duplicate entries, * only the last (best) entry should be accepted. * * @param nodes the list of nodes. * @param index the index of the entry to check for being a duplicate. * @return true if duplicate, otherwise false. */ static inline bool isDuplicateEntry(struct Address_List* list, uint32_t index) { for (int i = index+1; i < list->length; i++) { if (Bits_memcmp(&list->elems[i].key, &list->elems[i].key, Address_KEY_SIZE) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } static void searchStep(struct SearchRunner_Search* search); static void searchReplyCallback(struct RouterModule_Promise* promise, uint32_t lagMilliseconds, struct Address* from, Dict* result) { struct SearchRunner_Search* search = Identity_check((struct SearchRunner_Search*)promise->userData); if (!Bits_memcmp(from->ip6.bytes, search->lastNodeAsked.ip6.bytes, 16)) { Timeout_resetTimeout(search->continueSearchTimeout, RouterModule_searchTimeoutMilliseconds(search->runner->router)); } if (!Bits_memcmp(from->ip6.bytes, search->target.ip6.bytes, 16)) { search->numFinds++; } struct Address_List* nodeList = ReplySerializer_parse(from, result, search->runner->logger, true, promise->alloc); struct Address* best = NULL; for (int i = 0; nodeList && i < nodeList->length; i++) { if (isDuplicateEntry(nodeList, i)) { continue; } if (Address_closest(&search->target, &nodeList->elems[i], from) >= 0) { // Too much noise. //Log_debug(search->runner->logger, "Answer was further from the target than us.\n"); continue; } if (search->lastNodeAsked.path != from->path) { // old queries coming in late... continue; } struct Node_Two* nn = NodeStore_getBest(search->runner->nodeStore, nodeList->elems[i].ip6.bytes); if (!nn) { RumorMill_addNode(search->runner->rumorMill, &nodeList->elems[i]); } //nodeList->elems[i].path = // NodeStore_optimizePath(search->runner->nodeStore, nodeList->elems[i].path); if (!Bits_memcmp(nodeList->elems[i].ip6.bytes, search->target.ip6.bytes, 16)) { if (!best) { best = &nodeList->elems[i]; continue; } else if (nodeList->elems[i].path < best->path) { SearchStore_addNodeToSearch(best, search->search); best = &nodeList->elems[i]; continue; } } SearchStore_addNodeToSearch(&nodeList->elems[i], search->search); } if (best) { SearchStore_addNodeToSearch(best, search->search); } } static void searchCallback(struct RouterModule_Promise* promise, uint32_t lagMilliseconds, struct Address* from, Dict* result) { struct SearchRunner_Search* search = Identity_check((struct SearchRunner_Search*)promise->userData); if (from) { searchReplyCallback(promise, lagMilliseconds, from, result); } if (search->pub.callback) { search->pub.callback(&search->pub, lagMilliseconds, from, result); } searchStep(search); } /** * Send a search request to the next node in this search. * This is called whenever a response comes in or after the global mean response time passes. */ static void searchStep(struct SearchRunner_Search* search) { struct SearchRunner_pvt* ctx = Identity_check((struct SearchRunner_pvt*)search->runner); struct SearchStore_Node* nextSearchNode; for (;;) { nextSearchNode = SearchStore_getNextNode(search->search); // If the number of requests sent has exceeded the max search requests, let's stop there. if (search->totalRequests >= search->maxRequests) { // fallthrough } else if (search->numFinds > 0 && search->totalRequests >= search->maxRequestsIfFound) { // fallthrough } else if (nextSearchNode == NULL) { // fallthrough } else { break; } if (search->pub.callback) { search->pub.callback(&search->pub, 0, NULL, NULL); } Allocator_free(search->pub.alloc); return; } Bits_memcpy(&search->lastNodeAsked, &nextSearchNode->address, sizeof(struct Address)); struct RouterModule_Promise* rp = RouterModule_newMessage(&nextSearchNode->address, 0, ctx->router, search->pub.alloc); Dict* message = Dict_new(rp->alloc); if (!Bits_memcmp(nextSearchNode->address.ip6.bytes, search->target.ip6.bytes, 16)) { Dict_putString(message, CJDHTConstants_QUERY, CJDHTConstants_QUERY_GP, rp->alloc); } else { Dict_putString(message, CJDHTConstants_QUERY, CJDHTConstants_QUERY_FN, rp->alloc); } Dict_putString(message, CJDHTConstants_TARGET, search->targetStr, rp->alloc); rp->userData = search; rp->callback = searchCallback; RouterModule_sendMessage(rp, message); search->totalRequests++; } // Triggered by a search timeout (the message may still come back and will be treated as a ping) static void searchNextNode(void* vsearch) { struct SearchRunner_Search* search = Identity_check((struct SearchRunner_Search*) vsearch); // Timeout for trying the next node. Timeout_resetTimeout(search->continueSearchTimeout, RouterModule_searchTimeoutMilliseconds(search->runner->router)); searchStep(search); } static void searchOnFree(struct Allocator_OnFreeJob* job) { struct SearchRunner_Search* search = Identity_check((struct SearchRunner_Search*)job->userData); *search->thisSearch = search->nextSearch; if (search->nextSearch) { search->nextSearch->thisSearch = search->thisSearch; } Assert_true(search->runner->searches > 0); search->runner->searches--; } struct SearchRunner_SearchData* SearchRunner_showActiveSearch(struct SearchRunner* searchRunner, int number, struct Allocator* alloc) { struct SearchRunner_pvt* runner = Identity_check((struct SearchRunner_pvt*)searchRunner); struct SearchRunner_Search* search = runner->firstSearch; while (search && number > 0) { search = search->nextSearch; number--; } struct SearchRunner_SearchData* out = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct SearchRunner_SearchData), 1); if (search) { Bits_memcpy(out->target, &search->target.ip6.bytes, 16); Bits_memcpy(&out->lastNodeAsked, &search->lastNodeAsked, sizeof(struct Address)); out->totalRequests = search->totalRequests; } out->activeSearches = runner->searches; return out; } struct RouterModule_Promise* SearchRunner_search(uint8_t target[16], int maxRequests, int maxRequestsIfFound, struct SearchRunner* searchRunner, struct Allocator* allocator) { struct SearchRunner_pvt* runner = Identity_check((struct SearchRunner_pvt*)searchRunner); if (runner->searches > runner->maxConcurrentSearches) { Log_debug(runner->logger, "Skipping search because there are already [%d] searches active", runner->searches); return NULL; } if (maxRequests < 1) { maxRequests = SearchRunner_DEFAULT_MAX_REQUESTS; } if (maxRequestsIfFound < 1) { maxRequestsIfFound = SearchRunner_DEFAULT_MAX_REQUESTS_IF_FOUND; } struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator); struct Address targetAddr = { .path = 0 }; Bits_memcpy(targetAddr.ip6.bytes, target, Address_SEARCH_TARGET_SIZE); struct NodeList* nodes = NodeStore_getClosestNodes(runner->nodeStore, &targetAddr, maxRequests, Version_CURRENT_PROTOCOL, alloc); if (nodes->size == 0) { Log_debug(runner->logger, "No nodes available for beginning search"); Allocator_free(alloc); return NULL; } struct SearchStore_Search* sss = SearchStore_newSearch(target, runner->searchStore, alloc); for (int i = 0; i < (int)nodes->size; i++) { SearchStore_addNodeToSearch(&nodes->nodes[i]->address, sss); } struct SearchRunner_Search* search = Allocator_clone(alloc, (&(struct SearchRunner_Search) { .pub = { .alloc = alloc }, .runner = runner, .search = sss, .maxRequests = maxRequests, .maxRequestsIfFound = maxRequestsIfFound })); Identity_set(search); runner->searches++; Allocator_onFree(alloc, searchOnFree, search); Bits_memcpy(&search->target, &targetAddr, sizeof(struct Address)); if (runner->firstSearch) { search->nextSearch = runner->firstSearch; runner->firstSearch->thisSearch = &search->nextSearch; } runner->firstSearch = search; search->thisSearch = &runner->firstSearch; search->targetStr = String_newBinary((char*)targetAddr.ip6.bytes, 16, alloc); // Trigger the searchNextNode() immedietly but asynchronously. search->continueSearchTimeout = Timeout_setTimeout(searchNextNode, search, 0, runner->eventBase, alloc); return &search->pub; } struct SearchRunner* SearchRunner_new(struct NodeStore* nodeStore, struct Log* logger, EventBase_t* base, struct RouterModule* module, uint8_t myAddress[16], struct RumorMill* rumorMill, struct Allocator* allocator) { struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator); struct SearchRunner_pvt* out = Allocator_clone(alloc, (&(struct SearchRunner_pvt) { .nodeStore = nodeStore, .logger = logger, .eventBase = base, .router = module, .rumorMill = rumorMill, .maxConcurrentSearches = SearchRunner_DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_SEARCHES })); out->searchStore = SearchStore_new(alloc, logger); Bits_memcpy(out->myAddress, myAddress, 16); Identity_set(out); return &out->pub; }