/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */ /* * You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "admin/Admin.h" #include "benc/Dict.h" #include "benc/List.h" #include "benc/String.h" #include "benc/Int.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/Node.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/RouterModule.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/RouterModule_admin.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/Router.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/ReplySerializer.h" #include "dht/Address.h" #include "dht/CJDHTConstants.h" #include "memory/Allocator.h" #include "util/AddrTools.h" #include "util/Hex.h" struct Context { struct Admin* admin; struct Allocator* allocator; struct RouterModule* module; struct Router* router; Identity }; static void lookup(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc) { struct Context* ctx = vcontext; String* addrStr = Dict_getStringC(args, "address"); char* err = NULL; uint8_t addr[16]; uint8_t resultBuff[60]; char* result = (char*) resultBuff; if (addrStr->len != 39) { err = "address wrong length"; } else if (AddrTools_parseIp(addr, (uint8_t*) addrStr->bytes)) { err = "failed to parse address"; } else { struct Node_Two* n = Router_lookup(ctx->router, addr); if (!n) { result = "not found"; } else if (Bits_memcmp(addr, n->address.ip6.bytes, 16)) { Address_print(resultBuff, &n->address); } else { AddrTools_printPath(resultBuff, n->address.path); } } Dict response = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(String_CONST((err) ? err : "none")), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("result"), String_OBJ(String_CONST(result)), NULL )); Admin_sendMessage(&response, txid, ctx->admin); } struct Ping { String* txid; struct RouterModule_Promise* rp; struct Context* ctx; Identity }; static void pingResponse(struct RouterModule_Promise* promise, uint32_t lag, struct Address* from, Dict* responseDict) { struct Ping* ping = Identity_check((struct Ping*)promise->userData); struct Allocator* tempAlloc = promise->alloc; Dict* resp = Dict_new(tempAlloc); String* versionBin = Dict_getString(responseDict, CJDHTConstants_VERSION); if (versionBin && versionBin->len == 20) { String* versionStr = String_newBinary(NULL, 40, tempAlloc); Hex_encode(versionStr->bytes, 40, versionBin->bytes, 20); Dict_putStringC(resp, "version", versionStr, tempAlloc); } else { Dict_putStringCC(resp, "version", "unknown", tempAlloc); } String* result = (responseDict) ? String_CONST("pong") : String_CONST("timeout"); Dict_putStringC(resp, "result", result, tempAlloc); int64_t* protocolVersion = Dict_getInt(responseDict, CJDHTConstants_PROTOCOL); if (protocolVersion) { Dict_putIntC(resp, "protocol", *protocolVersion, tempAlloc); } Dict_putIntC(resp, "ms", lag, tempAlloc); if (from) { uint8_t fromStr[60] = ""; Address_print(fromStr, from); Dict_putStringC(resp, "from", String_new(fromStr, tempAlloc), tempAlloc); String* addr = Address_toStringKey(from, tempAlloc); Dict_putStringC(resp, "addr", addr, tempAlloc); } Dict_putStringCC(resp, "deprecation", "from,protocol,version will soon be removed", tempAlloc); Admin_sendMessage(resp, ping->txid, ping->ctx->admin); } static void genericResponse(struct RouterModule_Promise* promise, uint32_t lag, struct Address* from, Dict* responseDict, String* name, bool splicePath) { struct Ping* ping = Identity_check((struct Ping*)promise->userData); Dict* out = Dict_new(promise->alloc); String* result = (responseDict) ? name : String_CONST("timeout"); Dict_putStringC(out, "result", result, promise->alloc); if (responseDict) { struct Address_List* addrs = ReplySerializer_parse(from, responseDict, NULL, splicePath, promise->alloc); List* nodes = List_new(promise->alloc); for (int i = 0; addrs && i < addrs->length; i++) { String* addr = Address_toStringKey(&addrs->elems[i], promise->alloc); List_addString(nodes, addr, promise->alloc); } Dict_putList(out, name, nodes, promise->alloc); String* schemeDefinition = Dict_getString(responseDict, CJDHTConstants_ENC_SCHEME); if (schemeDefinition) { struct EncodingScheme* scheme = EncodingScheme_deserialize(schemeDefinition, promise->alloc); if (scheme) { List* encScheme = EncodingScheme_asList(scheme, promise->alloc); Dict_putList( out, String_new("encodingScheme", promise->alloc), encScheme, promise->alloc); } } } Dict_putIntC(out, "ms", lag, promise->alloc); Dict_putStringCC(out, "error", "none", promise->alloc); Admin_sendMessage(out, ping->txid, ping->ctx->admin); } static void getPeersResponse(struct RouterModule_Promise* promise, uint32_t lag, struct Address* from, Dict* responseDict) { genericResponse(promise, lag, from, responseDict, String_CONST("peers"), false); } static void findNodeResponse(struct RouterModule_Promise* promise, uint32_t lag, struct Address* from, Dict* responseDict) { genericResponse(promise, lag, from, responseDict, String_CONST("nodes"), true); } static struct Address* getNode(String* pathStr, struct Context* ctx, char** errOut, struct Allocator* alloc) { struct Address addr = {.path=0}; if (pathStr->len == 19 && !AddrTools_parsePath(&addr.path, pathStr->bytes)) { struct Node_Link* nl = Router_linkForPath(ctx->router, addr.path); if (!nl) { *errOut = "not_found"; return NULL; } else { Bits_memcpy(&addr, &nl->child->address, sizeof(struct Address)); } } else if (!AddrTools_parseIp(addr.ip6.bytes, pathStr->bytes)) { struct Node_Two* n = Router_lookup(ctx->router, addr.ip6.bytes); if (!n || Bits_memcmp(addr.ip6.bytes, n->address.ip6.bytes, 16)) { *errOut = "not_found"; return NULL; } else { Bits_memcpy(&addr, &n->address, sizeof(struct Address)); } } else { struct Address* a = Address_fromString(pathStr, alloc); if (a) { return a; } *errOut = "parse_path"; return NULL; } return Allocator_clone(alloc, &addr); } static void pingNode(Dict* args, void* vctx, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc) { struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vctx); String* pathStr = Dict_getStringC(args, "path"); int64_t* timeoutPtr = Dict_getIntC(args, "timeout"); uint32_t timeout = (timeoutPtr && *timeoutPtr > 0) ? *timeoutPtr : 0; char* err = NULL; struct Address* addr = getNode(pathStr, ctx, &err, requestAlloc); if (err) { Dict errDict = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(String_CONST(err)), NULL); Admin_sendMessage(&errDict, txid, ctx->admin); return; } struct RouterModule_Promise* rp = RouterModule_pingNode(addr, timeout, ctx->module, ctx->allocator); struct Ping* ping = Allocator_calloc(rp->alloc, sizeof(struct Ping), 1); Identity_set(ping); ping->txid = String_clone(txid, rp->alloc); ping->rp = rp; ping->ctx = ctx; rp->userData = ping; rp->callback = pingResponse; } static void getPeers(Dict* args, void* vctx, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc) { struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vctx); String* nearbyLabelStr = Dict_getStringC(args, "nearbyPath"); String* pathStr = Dict_getStringC(args, "path"); int64_t* timeoutPtr = Dict_getIntC(args, "timeout"); uint32_t timeout = (timeoutPtr && *timeoutPtr > 0) ? *timeoutPtr : 0; char* err = NULL; struct Address* addr = getNode(pathStr, ctx, &err, requestAlloc); uint64_t nearbyLabel = 0; if (!err && nearbyLabelStr) { if (nearbyLabelStr->len != 19 || AddrTools_parsePath(&nearbyLabel, nearbyLabelStr->bytes)) { err = "parse_nearbyLabel"; } } if (err) { Dict errDict = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(String_CONST(err)), NULL); Admin_sendMessage(&errDict, txid, ctx->admin); return; } struct RouterModule_Promise* rp = RouterModule_getPeers(addr, nearbyLabel, timeout, ctx->module, ctx->allocator); struct Ping* ping = Allocator_calloc(rp->alloc, sizeof(struct Ping), 1); Identity_set(ping); ping->txid = String_clone(txid, rp->alloc); ping->rp = rp; ping->ctx = ctx; rp->userData = ping; rp->callback = getPeersResponse; } static void findNode(Dict* args, void* vctx, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc) { struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vctx); String* nodeToQueryStr = Dict_getStringC(args, "nodeToQuery"); String* targetStr = Dict_getStringC(args, "target"); int64_t* timeoutPtr = Dict_getIntC(args, "timeout"); uint32_t timeout = (timeoutPtr && *timeoutPtr > 0) ? *timeoutPtr : 0; char* err = NULL; struct Address* nodeToQuery = getNode(nodeToQueryStr, ctx, &err, requestAlloc); uint8_t target[16]; if (!err) { if (targetStr->len != 39 || AddrTools_parseIp(target, targetStr->bytes)) { err = "parse_target"; } } if (err) { Dict errDict = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(String_CONST(err)), NULL); Admin_sendMessage(&errDict, txid, ctx->admin); return; } struct RouterModule_Promise* rp = RouterModule_findNode(nodeToQuery, target, timeout, ctx->module, ctx->allocator); struct Ping* ping = Allocator_calloc(rp->alloc, sizeof(struct Ping), 1); Identity_set(ping); ping->txid = String_clone(txid, rp->alloc); ping->rp = rp; ping->ctx = ctx; rp->userData = ping; rp->callback = findNodeResponse; } static void nextHop(Dict* args, void* vctx, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc) { struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vctx); String* nodeToQueryStr = Dict_getStringC(args, "nodeToQuery"); String* targetStr = Dict_getStringC(args, "target"); int64_t* timeoutPtr = Dict_getIntC(args, "timeout"); uint32_t timeout = (timeoutPtr && *timeoutPtr > 0) ? *timeoutPtr : 0; char* err = NULL; struct Address* nodeToQuery = getNode(nodeToQueryStr, ctx, &err, requestAlloc); uint8_t target[16]; if (!err && AddrTools_parseIp(target, targetStr->bytes)) { err = "parse_target"; } if (err) { Dict errDict = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(String_CONST(err)), NULL); Admin_sendMessage(&errDict, txid, ctx->admin); return; } struct RouterModule_Promise* rp = RouterModule_nextHop(nodeToQuery, target, timeout, ctx->module, ctx->allocator); struct Ping* ping = Allocator_calloc(rp->alloc, sizeof(struct Ping), 1); Identity_set(ping); ping->txid = String_clone(txid, rp->alloc); ping->rp = rp; ping->ctx = ctx; rp->userData = ping; rp->callback = findNodeResponse; } void RouterModule_admin_register(struct RouterModule* module, struct Router* router, struct Admin* admin, struct Allocator* alloc) { // for improved reporting alloc = Allocator_child(alloc); struct Context* ctx = Allocator_clone(alloc, (&(struct Context) { .admin = admin, .allocator = alloc, .module = module, .router = router })); Identity_set(ctx); Admin_registerFunction("RouterModule_nextHop", nextHop, ctx, true, ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) { { .name = "nodeToQuery", .required = 1, .type = "String" }, { .name = "target", .required = 1, .type = "String" }, { .name = "timeout", .required = 0, .type = "Int" } }), admin); Admin_registerFunction("RouterModule_lookup", lookup, ctx, true, ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) { { .name = "address", .required = 1, .type = "String" } }), admin); Admin_registerFunction("RouterModule_pingNode", pingNode, ctx, true, ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) { { .name = "path", .required = 1, .type = "String" }, { .name = "timeout", .required = 0, .type = "Int" }, }), admin); Admin_registerFunction("RouterModule_getPeers", getPeers, ctx, true, ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) { { .name = "path", .required = 1, .type = "String" }, { .name = "timeout", .required = 0, .type = "Int" }, { .name = "nearbyPath", .required = 0, .type = "String" } }), admin); Admin_registerFunction("RouterModule_findNode", findNode, ctx, true, ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) { { .name = "nodeToQuery", .required = 1, .type = "String" }, { .name = "target", .required = 1, .type = "String" }, { .name = "timeout", .required = 0, .type = "Int" } }), admin); }