/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */
* You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "rust/cjdns_sys/Rffi.h"
#include "crypto/random/Random.h"
#include "crypto/random/seed/RandomSeed.h"
#include "crypto/random/seed/SystemRandomSeed.h"
#include "memory/Allocator.h"
#include "util/Bits.h"
#include "util/Base32.h"
#include "util/Identity.h"
#include "util/Endian.h"
#include "util/Hex.h"
#include "util/Defined.h"
#include "util/log/Log.h"
* cjdns random generator:
* It is with great apprehension that I have decided to go forward with this random generator.
* Sadly there doesn't exist any plain-and-simple random generation library for C without
* bundling libevent, openssl or some other megalyth.
* Additionally most random generators use a feedback loop which is difficult to validate as
* it has a period which is not immedietly obvious by looking at it. Additionally, this
* feedback loop design leads to issues like:
* http://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_prng.txt
* How this random generator works:
* 1. All available random sources such as dev/urandom and sysctl(RANDOM_UUID) are combined
* with a rolling SHA-512 hash, the result is placed in the Random_SeedGen union.
* 2. Random_SeedGen is SHA-256 hashed into Random.tempSeed
* 3. Random numbers are generated by running salsa20 with Random.tempSeed as the key, and
* Random.nonce 64 bit counter which is incremented each run, never reset, and assumed
* never to wrap.
* Adding entropy to the generator is as follows:
* Random_addRandom() adds a sample of randomness by rotating and XORing it into
* Random_SeedGen.collectedEntropy.
* Every 256 calls to Random_addRandom(), Random_SeedGen is again hashed into Random.tempSeed.
* Note that Random.nonce is *not* reset ever during the operation of the generator because
* otherwise, 512 successive calls to Random_addRandom() with the same input would cause the
* random generator to repeat.
* State-compromize extension:
* It is acknoliged that a compromize of the generator's internal state will result in the
* attacker knowing every output which has been and will be generated or with the current
* tempSeed. After a further 256 calls to Random_addRandom(), the generator should recover.
* While using a feedback loop with a one-way hash function to frustrate backtracking seems
* enticing, it stands to reason that the only way a hash function can be one-way is by
* destroying entropy, destruction of entropy in a feedback system could lead to an oscillation
* effect when it becomes entropy starved. Though this issue does not seem to have been
* exploited in other prngs, proving that it cannot be exploited is beyond my abilities and the
* devil you know is better than the devil you don't.
* Iterative Guessing:
* This generator only introduces the entropy given by Random_addRandom() once every 256 calls.
* Assuming each call introduces at least 1 bit of good entropy, iterative guessing requires
* guessing a 256 bit value for each iteration.
* Input based Attacks:
* The generator is as conservitive as possible about the entropy provided in calls to
* Random_addRandom(), valuing each at 1 bit of entropy. Since the number is rotated and XORd
* into collectedEntropy, some calls with 0 bits of entropy can be smoothed over by other calls
* with > 1 bit of entropy. If Random_addRandom() is called arbitrarily many times with 0 bits
* of entropy, since the inputs are XORd into collectedEntropy the entropy level of
* collectedEntropy will remain unchanged.
* Even if the attacker is able to gather information from the generator's output and craft
* inputs to Random_addRandom() which *decrease* the entropy in collectedEntropy, this will not
* decrease the performance of the generator itself because the 256 bit Random_SeedGen.seed
* is seeded with the primary seed meterial (eg dev/urandom) and never altered for duration of
* the generator's operation.
/** How many bytes to buffer so requests for a small amount of random do not invoke salsa20. */
#define BUFFSIZE 128
/** The key material which is used to generate the temporary seed. */
union Random_SeedGen
struct {
* Read directly from the seed supplier (dev/urandom etc.),
* same for the whole run of the generator.
uint64_t seed[4];
* Initialized by the seed supplier
* then XORd with the input given to Random_addRandom().
uint32_t collectedEntropy[8];
} elements;
/** Used to generate tempSeed. */
uint64_t buff[8];
struct Random
/** The random seed which is used to generate random numbers. */
uint64_t tempSeed[4];
/** Incremented every call to salsa20, never reset. */
uint64_t nonce;
/** buffer of random generated in the last rand cycle. */
uint8_t buff[BUFFSIZE];
/** the next number to read out of buff. */
int nextByte;
/** A counter which Random_addRandom() uses to rotate the random input. */
int addRandomCounter;
/** The seed generator for generating new temporary random seeds. */
union Random_SeedGen* seedGen;
/** The collector for getting the original permanent random seed from the operating system. */
RandomSeed_t* seed;
struct Allocator* alloc;
struct Log* log;
* Add a random number to the entropy pool.
* 1 bit of entropy is extracted from each call to addRandom(), every 256 calls
* this function will generate a new temporary seed using the permanent seed and
* the collected entropy.
* Worst case scenario, Random_addRandom() is completely broken, the original
* seed is still used and the nonce is never reset so the only loss is forward secrecy.
void Random_addRandom(struct Random* rand, uint32_t randomNumber)
#define rotl(a,b) (((a) << (b)) | ((a) >> (31 - (b))))
rand->seedGen->elements.collectedEntropy[rand->addRandomCounter % 8] ^=
rotl(randomNumber, rand->addRandomCounter / 8);
if (++rand->addRandomCounter >= 256) {
sizeof(union Random_SeedGen));
rand->addRandomCounter = 0;
static void stir(struct Random* rand)
uint64_t nonce = Endian_hostToLittleEndian64(rand->nonce);
rand->nextByte = 0;
static uintptr_t randomCopy(struct Random* rand, uint8_t* location, uint64_t count)
uintptr_t num = (uintptr_t) count;
if (num > (uintptr_t)(BUFFSIZE - rand->nextByte)) {
num = (BUFFSIZE - rand->nextByte);
Bits_memcpy(location, &rand->buff[rand->nextByte], num);
rand->nextByte += num;
return num;
void Random_bytes(struct Random* rand, uint8_t* location, uint64_t count)
if (count > BUFFSIZE) {
// big request, don't buffer it.
if (Defined(Log_KEYS)) {
struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(rand->alloc);
char* buf = Hex_print(location, count, alloc);
Log_keys(rand->log, "Random_bytes(%p) -> [%s]", (void*) rand, buf);
uint8_t* loc0 = location;
uint64_t c0 = count;
for (;;) {
uintptr_t sz = randomCopy(rand, location, count);
location += sz;
count -= sz;
if (count == 0) {
if (Defined(Log_KEYS)) {
struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(rand->alloc);
char* buf = Hex_print(loc0, c0, alloc);
Log_keys(rand->log, "Random_bytes(%p) -> [%s]", (void*) rand, buf);
void Random_bytes_fromRust(Random_t* rand, uint8_t* location, uint64_t count)
Random_bytes(rand, location, count);
void Random_base32(struct Random* rand, uint8_t* output, uint32_t length)
uint64_t index = 0;
for (;;) {
uint8_t bin[16];
Random_bytes(rand, bin, 16);
int ret = Base32_encode(&output[index], length - index, (uint8_t*)bin, 16);
if (ret == Base32_TOO_BIG || index + ret == length) {
index += ret;
output[length - 1] = '\0';
Err_DEFUN Random_newWithSeed(
struct Random** out,
struct Allocator* alloc,
struct Log* logger,
RandomSeed_t* seed)
union Random_SeedGen* seedGen = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(union Random_SeedGen), 1);
if (RandomSeed_get(seed, seedGen->buff)) {
Err_raise(alloc, "Unable to initialize secure random number generator");
struct Random* rand = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct Random), 1);
rand->seedGen = seedGen;
rand->seed = seed;
rand->nextByte = BUFFSIZE;
rand->alloc = alloc;
rand->log = logger;
rand->addRandomCounter = 255;
Random_addRandom(rand, 0);
*out = rand;
return NULL;
Err_DEFUN Random_new(struct Random** out, struct Allocator* alloc, struct Log* logger)
RandomSeed_t* rs = SystemRandomSeed_new(NULL, 0, logger, alloc);
return Random_newWithSeed(out, alloc, logger, rs);